deepa jyotihi param Brahma
deepa jyotyi Janardana
deepo haratu mae paapam
deepa jyotyir namo stutae
(meaning: I salute the Lord, the sustainer of the creation, in the form of this light. I salute this light, may he destroy afflictions resulting from my omissions and commissions.)
Sip water from right hand for each mantra:
ome Achutaya namaha
ome Anantaya namaha
ome Govindaya namaha
(meaning: Salutations to Achutaya: infalliable/innumerable/changeless one.
Salutations to Anantaya: infinite one.
Salutations to Govinda: protector of cows (Krishna))
gurur Brahma, gurur Vishnu, gurur devo Maheshwaraha
guru shaakshaat para Bramha, tasmai shree guravae namaha
(meaning: The guru is Brahma. The guru is Vishnu. The guru is Shiva. The guru us the Supreme Reality. Sublime prostrations to the guru)
Invoke Lord Ganesh while tapping your temples:
shuklam barad haram Vishnum
shashivarnam chatur bujam
prasanna vadanam dhyayet
sarva Vighno pashantayae
(meaning: Sri Vishnu who is wearing white Ccothes, Who is all-pervading, Who is bright as the Moon and has four hands, a compassionate and gracious face, let us meditate on him to ward off all obstacles.)
Statement of purpose (holding rice and flowers)
mamo paata samasta
duritak shayad wara
shree Parameshwara
maha Ganapatayae
poojam karish eeyay
(meaning: To become dear to the Lord Parameshwara and to destroy all the effects of sins committed by me, I will do pooja for great Ganapathy.)
Give the rice and flowers and then wash right hand
Invite Ganesha to the puja
asmin bimbae sumukham
Offer rice maha Ganpatim dhya yaami
Offer rice maha Ganpatim avahayaami
Offer a place to sit (offer rice)
maha Ganapatayae namaha
aasanam samarpayaami
(meaning: Asanam: plural form of posture, pose, seat
Samarpayami: (I am) Offering)
Offer water to clean feet
maha Ganapatayae namaha
paadyam samarpayaami
Offer water to wash hands
maha Ganapatayae namaha
ugyum samarpayaami
Offer water to drink
maha Ganapatayae namaha
aachamaneyam samarpayaami
Offer water to bathe in (to head)
maha Ganapatayae namaha
snanam samarpayaami
Offer water to drink
maha Ganapatayae namaha
snanan antaram
aachamaneyam samarpayaami
Offer cloth, decoration and sacred thread in the form of rice
maha Ganapatayae namaha
vastra, alankara, upaveetartham,
akshataan samarpayaami (offer rice)
(Vastra: cloth
Alankara: decoration/ornamentation
Upaveeta: Holy thread)
Offer sandalpaste on his head (with right ring finger)
maha Ganapatayae namaha
divya shree parimala (meaning: divine great fragrance)
gandhaan dharayaami
Offer kumkum on his head
ghandopari haridrar kumkumam samarpayaami
Offer flowers with each namaha
maha Ganapatayae namaha
pushayhee poojayaami
ome Sumukaya namaha (Auspicious Face)
ome Yaekadantaya namaha (Single-Tusked Lord)
ome Kapilaya namaha (Yellowish-Brown Coloured)
ome Gajakarnakaya namaha (One who has Eyes like anElephant)
ome Lambodaraya namaha (The Huge Bellied Lord)
ome Vikataya namaha (Gigantic)
ome Vignarajaya namaha (Lord of All Obstacles)
ome Ganadhipaya namaha (Chief of Shiva’s troops)
ome Ganaadhyakshya namaha (Lord of the celestial beings)
ome Balachandraya namaha (Moon-Crested Lord)
ome Gajaananaya namaha (Elephant-Faced Lord)
ome Vakratundaya namaha (Curved Trunk Lord)
ome Shoorpakarnaya namaha (Large-Eared Lord)
ome Haerambaya namaha (Mother's Beloved Son)
ome Skandapoorvajaya namaha (Elder Brother of Lord Kartik)
ome maha Ganapatayae namaha (Leader of demigods)
naanaavida, parimala, patra pushpaani, samarpayaami (I offer various fragrances and flowers)
Offer incense while ringing bell:
maha Ganapatayae namaha
dhoopam agrahayaami
Offer oil lamp while ringing bell:
maha Ganapatayae namaha
deepam darshayami
Offer fruit (sprinkle water on fruit) while ringing bell:
maha Ganapatayae namaha
naivedyam nivedayaami
Offer water to drink:
maha Ganapatayae namaha
aachamaneyam samarpayaami
Offer betel leaf:
maha Ganapatayae namaha
thamboolam samarpayami
Arati (3 circles):
maha Ganapatayae namaha
(karpoora = camphor, neerajan = arati, sandarshan = view).
Offer water:
neerajan arnantaram achamaneyam samarpayami
Final prayer:
Vakratunda maha kaya
suryakoti samaprabha
nirvignam kuru mae deva
sarva karyaeshu sarvada
(meaning: The Lord with the curved trunk and a mighty body, who has the magnificance of a Million suns, I pray to you Oh Lord, to remove the obstacles from all the actions I intend to perform.)
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